1. Fu Y*, Agrawal S, Snyder D, Yin S, Zhong N, Grunkemeyer J, Hansen L, Waddah A, Nandipati K*, Xia J*. Transcriptomic and gene fusion changes during the Progression from Barrett's Esophagus to Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. Biomarker Research, * co-corresponding authors.
2. Gao, S. M., Qi, Y., Zhang, Q., Mohammed, A. S., Lee, Y.-T., Guan, Y., Li, H.*, Fu, Y.* & Wang, M. C.* Aging Atlas Reveals Cell-Type-Specific Regulation of Pro-longevity Strategies. Nature Aging 4, 998–1013. *co-corresponding authors. Highlighted as the Front Cover.
3. Liu, L., Chen, H., Sun, C., Wang, J., Du, M., Li J., Di, L., Shen, J., Geng, S., Pang, Y., Luo, Y., Wu, C., Fu, Y.*, Zheng, Z.*, Wang, J.*, and Huang, Y.* Low-frequency somatic copy number alterations in normal human lymphocytes revealed by large-scale single-cell whole genome profiling. Genome Research 32, 44-54. *co-corresponding authors. Highlighted as the Front Cover.
4. Di, L. #, Fu, Y. #, Sun, Y., Li, J., Liu, L., Yao, J., Wang, G., Wu, Y., Lao, K., Lee, R.W., et al. (2020). RNA sequencing by direct tagmentation of RNA/DNA hybrids. Proc National Acad Sci 117, 2886–2893. #co-first authors
5. Fu, Y., Li, C., Lu, S., Zhou, W., Tang, F., Xie, X.S., and Huang, Y. (2015). Uniform and accurate single-cell sequencing based on emulsion whole-genome amplification. Proc National Acad Sci 112, 11923–11928.
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